Rosted loin with mustard "Mostaard Wostyn" (2 to 3 people)

Mix the oil, the vinegar, the mustard and the pepper and rub the loin with it. Leave the meat to rest for a quarter of an hour. Rost the meat on a hot grill or barbecue for 4 to 5 minutes on either side, according how thick the meat is. Add the salt when the meat is ready. Serve with watercress and very fine fries.


  • 1 loin (about 600g)
  • 2 table spoons of oil
  • 1 coffee spoon of mustard "Mostaard Wostyn"
  • 1 coffee spoon of tarragon vinegar
  • salt and pepper

Mostaard Wostyn is recognized as a regional product by the Vlam (Flemish Centre for Agricultural Marketing association) and carries the label region