At the end of 2003 Mostaard Wostyn opened its mustard museum at the square Conscienceplein 7. Piet Wostyn completed his collection with part of the collection of Stefaan De Pessemier from Torhout, a known collector of mustard pottery and curiosities. Mrs Boussemaere from Bruges also donated her collection of mustard pots.
At the end of 2004 the mustard museum moves to the street Oude Gentweg 63, where the available space was much bigger. The collection was completed with that of Mr Roger Cauwe from Stasegem. The family Carbon from Roeselare, mustard makers up to the eighties, was willing to donate their old mustard mill, along with a few attributes. The mustard mill became the show-piece of the mustard museum.
Group visits can be arranged on Monday, Tuesday and Saturday.
On Monday, Tuesday and Saturday, Piet Wostyn himself guides you through the company and museum. On the other days a tour guide from the Tourist Office of Torhout leads you through the mustard museum. For more information please call 050 212 300 (Mostaard Wostyn) or 050 220 770 (Torhout Tourism Office).